NBN Co will upgrade your FTTN connection

NBN Co will upgrade your FTTN connection

hello friends Tec Minh Pat here hope you are well and we're looking into this very very different situation and it could be an admission of guilt or is someone at NBN Co feeling maybe generous or is an bein car run by a secret cabal who are in cahoots with Foxtel hmm today we learn of a program of works called coat when I first read this I actually thought it was good and it made more sense NBN Co will begin a trial next month that will see 50 that's right just 50 not thousands or anything like that fibre to the node users receive an upgrade to either fiber to the curb if TTC or fiber to the premises which is that special fiber cable that we all love so much these locations are not been identified and could be anywhere in Australia it could actually even be you now the code program is not just a cover of it stands for change of access technology this trial is the first step in the future chances of full
NBN Co will upgrade your FTTN connection

NBN Co will upgrade your FTTN connection

upgrade projects for those folks stuck on bad pipes and their own connections because we all know that not all connections are actually bad in fact many fibre to the node users are enjoying a great though expensive service what we can guess is the chosen fibre to the node users must not be attaining great speeds because NBN Co must make sure its entire network footprint can achieve peak speeds of 25 megabits per second under the government statement of expectations and they do have some expectations now NBN Co has previously shown 1.3 percent of all fibre to the node premises are incapable of hitting that mark so I don't know is that 1.3 it seems like a very small percentage the company must therefore offer these uses a different access technology but what's significant about

this is that the upgrade options include fibre to the curb now I fully support fibre to the curb because it's so much better than fibre to the node you can potentially attain high speeds with this curb technology and by far it's probably price wise and time wise the best option now endian coasted last year it would make 500 kerb an option under its existing technology choice program where an individual user or a whole area usually represented by a council can apply directly to the NBN code to pay their own way to better access technology now NBN Co is considering working with certain types of technologies over the existing copper line as part of this upgrade program so we'll quickly go through that may sound a little bit technical but bear with me one of the first ones is called g.fast which is a digital subscriber line DSL protocol standard for local loops shorter than 500 meters and

we all know where that problem is now GM g.fast is now being rolled out by several operators to provide ultra-fast broadband that it can deliver nearly 1 gigabit speeds on telephone lines and over 1 gigabit on coaxial which is HFC now it also provides an economic alternative to fibre to the home which is exactly why the Liberals had chosen fiber to the node with cable there is a couple of technologies they're looking at first of all full duplex do CSIS 3.1 which will enable 10 gigabits per second on the HFC Network next up would be do C is 4 which refers to the prospect it's back as DRC is dot next this could support very high speeds by tapping into more of the HFC cables available RF spectrum under this idea also known as the extended spectrum do see is a cable operators could use more than the 1.2 gigahertz of plant spectrum that could now be leveraged for do CIS 3.1 or the 1.8 gigahertz spectrum envisioned for full duplex next up is fiber and obviously if you have it XG s P o n this is a 2009 computer networking standard for data links capable of delivering shared internet

NBN Co will upgrade your FTTN connection

access rates of up to 10 gigabits per second over existing dark fiber and after that we can try n GPON to the next generation passive optical network - and this is a 2015 telecommunications network standard for a passive optical network the standard was developed by ITU and details an architecture capable of total network throughput of 40 gigabits per second the last two really showed the beauty of fiber you only need to upgrade the hardware and not necessarily the cable and even then sometimes a software upgrade couldn't really help however even at that time NBN Co had not specifically laid out any strategy for upgrading its fibre to the node footprint this first upgrade trial will only include fibre to the node and will last approximately two months the process and systems needed to run these upgrades are not expected to be in production until the initial network build is largely complete so NBN Co says that code will be fully operation by q1 2020 the ultimate intention is for NBN Co and our SPS to be able to pursue a change of access technology irrespective of the driver for that change or where their request comes from for example if you're having a bad time there might be remedies for you to access fairly quickly it is still however early days the scope of the program is incomplete and we'll probably find out results pretty late during the trial but wait there's more in addition to

unveiling code NBN Co also revealed the presence of another program in the works it is called balls which stands for blame o liberal lazy spuds all potato jokes aside it's called NBN select very very original under NBN select which is due to launch in July a retail service provider RSP will be able to act on behalf of an end user in order to change its access technology from the default to multi technology mix add a premises to NBN Ethernet or fiber to the premises the project difference between Indian select and the existing technology choice program is that the RSP is the interface with NBN Co instead of requiring the user to go directly to NBN Co sorry friends things are moving but to me it sounds like their costs are also moving up let's chat in the comments let me know what you think is this the kind of plan you think will actually help do they need better code names what do you guys think I'll chat to you below thanks for watching like subscribe and I'll see you guys

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NBN Co will upgrade your FTTN connection
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