Telstra to buy NBN Co!?

Telstra to buy NBN Co!? 

hello friends it's news time again this is tech man patch and this time no awkward intro no jokes that took me way too long to write only the cold hard fact as coldest Telstra's grasp on the Australian communication industry which to be honest is slowly melting away look apart from what Tracy Grimshaw thinks his news or that she believes that her dreams to win Dancing with the Stars are completely in the realms of possibility her recent story on the four hundred and sixty five thousand dollar foreign bill that was sent to a family in W a in error is actually only half the story let me fill in the blanks or at least the conspiracy part you see Telstra wanted some extra coin they have been on a rampage letting go nearly nine and a half thousand people all to make themselves a lean mean
Telstra to buy NBN Co!?
Telstra to buy NBN Co!? 

pillaging machine they were out to buy themselves a new toy but lucky for you me and the rest of Australia Tracy nor Telstra is going to achieve their dreams this new toy that Telstra seemed to be eyeing up is of course the NBN after the completion which let's be honest feels further away day by day the government could consider the sale of its beloved money-making acid because by then

hopefully it's going to be in the green and making money and maybe we all have fibre anyway since there has been a pattern of selling Aussie assets this could happen but here is an awesome little bit of news Communication Minister Paul Fletcher has ruled out any chance of Telstra buying the National Broadband Network and cut hopes of a cut to wholesale prices to ease pressure on those listed telcos profits mmm so a gut punch for sure and for those following at home the NBN has restrictions put in its bylaws or some sort of laws that no provider of service for example Telstra TPG or Vodafone could ever purchase this asset that is the National Broadband Network jeez I'm always trying to feel very proud so hey break out the champagne are not doomed is what I would be saying if those sneaky lawyers did not exist and loopholes weren't their favorite way to get off there is a loophole and one that Telstra might just fall right in they have a separate business called in Africa in Frakker infra Co I like in frack oh they will own an estimated 11 billion in assets comprised of Telstra's old fixed

Telstra to buy NBN Co!? | Tech Man Pat

network infrastructure including data centers non-mobile related domestic fibre copper HFC subsea cables exchanges poles ducts and pipes you get the idea this includes Telstra's copper and HC networks currently however it does not include Telstra's mobile network assets such as the spectrum radio access equipment towers and fiber back holes which Telstra will continue to own and operate now Telstra will also continue operating its network applications and services business which

includes cloud services and for Co will ultimately be responsible for Keith fix network assets and for managing relationships with three main customers groups wholesale NBN Co Telstra customers and small business and enterprise customers no there there is no reason why infra cove couldn't buy NBN in the future and look I'm starting to feel a little bit like Sarah Connor at this point what do you guys think is there any possibility that infra Co a spinoff from Telstra could end up owning the NBN what a world Hey in any case finally we circle back to the NBN but this time its daughter that is in the doo-doo let's see what I did there dodo decided they could trick their customers or at least new potential customers by calling their NBN plans perfect for streaming and hey first of all put your

hands up if your NBN is perfect for streaming look guys I see a few hands up there okay well some of their plans had max speeds of 12 megabits per second and 10 gigabytes of included data imagine that 10 gigabytes of data I haven't seen 10 gigabytes on my mobile plane for almost three years now let alone a plan let's get some napkin math going here Netflix uses about one gigabyte of data per hour for each stream of standard definition video and up to 3 gigabytes per hour for each stream of

HD video obviously you'll be paying more for that plan but nonetheless so in 1 month you can watch potentially 8 standard-definition episodes of a TV show or rather Netflix show or original or two or three movies and then you're done kaput all out of data and that's as if you are 12 megabits per second would even let you because let's be realistic even on great NBN speeds streaming isn't always perfect and good luck swimming 4k content imagine streaming our planet and by the time David

Attenborough finished telling you about how wonderful and full life our planet is your data would be gone just like the polar icecaps now honestly please please watch our planet is actually amazing just just watch your internet bill so imagine being that family in W a they'll bill from dota would be quite an impressive sight to behold so the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission said on Wednesday that the advertising in question is likely to be false or misleading and in contravention of the Australian Consumer Law excuse my accent so dodo has agreed to refund three hundred and sixty thousand to about sixteen thousand customers who incurred extra data charges after signing out for NBN plans advertised as a perfect for streaming the a Triple C chairman rod Sims said we are

qur'anic we are concerned that donor customers on those plans could not reliably stream high-quality video particularly when others in the household we're using the Internet at the same time we don't believe NBN plans with just ten gigs of data included are perfect for streaming it is simply unacceptable for an Internet service provider to tell customers that their services are perfect for a particular use and to then charge them extra when they use a sir as advertised does that sound oddly familiar to you charging extra for a service that kind of advertised or mostly use let's say 80% of use alright and on that bombshell I will sign off from this news update thanks for watching hope you subscribe to stick around and chat in the comments below let me know if you're one of those 16,000 people who are getting refund I would love to hear from you and how that conversation went thanks for watching like subscribe and I'll see you guys in another one bye

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Telstra to buy NBN Co!?
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