FTTN Upgrades by NBN Co

FTTN Upgrades by NBN Co

hello friends hope you are well and if it was your first week back at work then welcome back to reality if you work through the holidays then you're a trooper and if you still do to go back next week then aren't you just lucky in any case ignore my hand whatever it gives your boat afloat we have tech news here for you in the dirt report and I'm sure you've also been keeping up with all the CES coverage and I might make a special edition of the dirt report for that's trying to find the things that were kind of interesting to me but today know that there will be no CES news here so hopefully a
FTTN Upgrades by NBN Co
FTTN Upgrades by NBN Co

nice synced and short video today I highly doubt that but let's see where it goes first up we have NBN Co actually all three topics are about NBN Co and fairly related so that's not your jam or toast the DEP that like button just to spite me and remember to subscribe if you like this sort of news content so let's get into it NBN Co is setting up free Wi-Fi internet services in Bush fire evacuation centers in New South Wales and Victoria this week last week they brought in their sky muster trucks to relief people quickly and provide some semblance of connectivity but that's not a long-term solution by any stretch and what long term in terms of what's needed here the twelve sides should be live right now with five more being added over the next few days and that's a really good thing about wireless

internet with a power pole and a technician you can connect to the NBN from anywhere in Australia well within reason I suppose the ability to deploy the wireless internet in regional areas so quickly is the real benefit of it performance-wise these situations it doesn't really matter but when you're at home trying to stream entertainment and play games it actually might I expect the fires to affect many services and being Co might come out and say that it has found damage to their wired services to the point of sitting back the rollout plan by months or years that's fair enough burn out wires are much more difficult to fix and adding new wireless antennas on a home as long as we can get electricity to the areas affected we should be okay however as fires are merging to make bigger fires at this moment in time this weekend there is no actual end in sight and this is one of the last things on people's minds to be honest and here's what NBN Co said on their Facebook post this week we

FTTN Upgrades by NBN Co

understand the importance of internet connectivity for local communities at this time we have now installed Sky must satellite dishes at 12 evacuation centers in New South Wales and Victoria which are currently offering free Wi-Fi additional services will be installed at five new locations tomorrow we'd like to thank the installers who have been working tirelessly over the last few days Sam pictured below is one of the many installers who has been working to connect evacuation centres across multiple states they have played a critical role in helping us deliver temporary internet access to those communities as dependent from Telstra also chimed in and said for Monday 6th January until further notice we are making our pay phone network around the country available to provide free local national and standard of our calls communication Minister Paul Fletcher commented the work of the telcos in this crisis here's what he had to say many of the outages are due to power supplies being cut off and in some cases are the direct impact of fire on network infrastructure the current fire situation across Australia have made access difficult and unsafe at some sites to access and restore services as and when it is safe for our technicians to access infrastructure sites restoration work is getting

underway the extent of fire impacted power and communication infrastructure in some regions means work to repair and rebuild will be ongoing in any case well done to NBN code for stepping up and providing these services all for free including every other service and telco who was involved even Telstra let's move on to our second topic of this video this one is all about Vodafone and their desire to make money from a service called Indian what well they got in touch with a company called CIE Centre for International Economics the CIE on their request of Vodafone wrote a short story a heartfelt story of a little company navigating the dangerous world of laws and legislations of the telecommunication industry it is called a hypothetical story of one business struggling to navigate the television tax and subsidy schemes I'm not joking even the serial adulterer Ronald Ark could have written it any better I will link the report below you have a read yourself it's quite lengthy quite a nice short story so what's the cie well it's not the dumb brother of the CIA not at all the Center for International Economics is a private economic research agency that provides professional independent and timely analysis of international and domestic events and Paul so what issue does vote have with NBN Co well you see Vodafone Australia claims high-value NBN connections are in no way profitable enough to cross subsidized and commercial parts of the rollout and that a proposed broadband tax won't address the issue so they get the CI a to write a short story about it and the key takeaways from it are well first of all don't introduce the regional broadband scheme that's been around while it's been kicking around Parliament for a long time secondly this taxes type competition and investment it is based on the false assumption the NBN has commercial services as subsidised non commercial services and reality and the encode has non commercial services and highly non commercial services I bet that that's exactly what says the second one is pretty standard response after all it's blaming somebody else thirdly reformed the USO to recognize the role of the NBN and the role of other technologies as part of the Productivity Commission enquire that was a little while back lastly these founds can be used to help Indians regional services well as establish a technology neutral and contestable fund to provide a reasonable quality cost-effective voice service for regional and remote Australians in a nutshell the government wants to make sure that regional services get a fair go from telcos as the higher earning metro areas kind of like no kid left behind but with more money involved so the higher earning areas will subsidize the non-commercial ones however the CIE report makes it out that this is a false and says that NBN Co is trying to subsidize commercially unviable services with other commercially unviable services you see it's not all about the speed and how someone's internet is just a tad slower than other it goes a little bit beyond that when NBN Co is

causing these rifts between providers who deal directly with frontline customers and then it's the customers who miss out I'll keep you updated on this one as I expect it not to be the last time we hear about it they'll probably be more to come about this tax finally to finish off on a small note happy note one that I put into the title for this video though you have to wait till the end to hear it I promise though I sure the videos I hope we haven't failed that I'm not sure how far home we are now so NBN Co has done something they said they will not do at all I had to report on it it was a very sad video however this time around and they ended up upgrading around 3,000 homes that were meant to be fibre to the node and what sort of upgrades you may ask well it's not fiver to the curb and it's not HFC or satellite they went full monty and installed fibre to the home all this is done of course to meet the requirement statements of expectation with the minimum speeds the government has set out I get a few comments here and there about how why does anybody care about speeds it's better than a vesl well let me tell you why you should care because we spent fifty billion dollars on a network and damn well it should be better than a DSL it should be 50 billion dollars better than a DSL with

minimum speeds of 25 megabits per second a lot of people don't get that speed and now NBN Co has finally upgraded some of the worst I hope those levels didn't peak too much that just rolls me up the homes that were upgraded were ones that just could not hit 25 megabits a second and now they can actually do full gigabit speeds I wish you all the best with your awesome internet those 3,000 homes or people wherever you guys are good luck friends thank you very much for watching hope you enjoyed today's video also congratulations to the two winners of the smart speaker giveaway that did last week those will be on their way today to you as I will now go down to the post office and do note the fires have delayed some deliveries so I'm not sure how long it'll take if you like this video then tap that like button and if you'd like to see more please consider subscribing thanks again for supporting tech man Pat this channel thanks for watching bye now lastly these funds can be used to help NBN codes reginal services reginald

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