Good Bye GoPro - Hero 7 Silver Review

Good Bye GoPro - Hero 7 Silver Review

hello friends Patrick here today we are reviewing the hero 7 Silver Edition it's the one in between the the white and the black the silver it's kind of like the second place the middle brother the middle child to the new hero lineup of stuff from the GoPro and there's a few things I want to talk about not just this device itself but a previous device that I thought was actually mind-blowingly good I thought it was really really cool and I thought they were moving away from this type of design but then I'll talk about obviously potentially the benefits of having a design like this so this is the hero 7 silver it got
Good Bye GoPro - Hero 7 Silver Review
Good Bye GoPro - Hero 7 Silver Review

10 megapixel camera it can do 4k at 30 frames and obviously the black one can do 4k at 60 but also it's missing one other feature which is video stabilization so if you're running around with this this stabilization isn't inbuilt it's done via the actual software and that can actually not be as good the hero black is much better at this because it's a hardware based stabilization but you're gonna pay through the roof this is around three hundred and fifty dollars while the hero black is about 500 to 550 if you get it for five hundred it's a pretty good price so why the jump and is the jump actually worth it well we'll try and summarize with that but I want to talk about this now I've had a GoPro before I had the four also a Silver Edition I really liked it I did sell it off because I usually use it for a very short

Good Bye GoPro - Hero 7 Silver Review

amount of time potentially a ski trip which is literally exactly the same thing I did three years ago and then I kind of on sell it because to be honest apart from that I don't do extreme sports often nor really ever never is it extreme I mean snowboarding isn't the TV extreme but I found it that once it gets old it gets old but this is the one I think I'm going to keep so let's start with this and what I used it for so I went snowboarding so I used it in the snow the first thing you will realize is that it does not come with waterproof casings anymore it is waterproof by itself in this little rubbery shell around it there is only a few buttons it does have a touchscreen in the back but we've got a record button we've got a button here for modes and on and off which is actually very frustrating and I'll talk about that in a bit and we've got the little plug here to get the USB see that charges it and the actual micro SD that's in there so let's talk about this button when you turn it on it's one press and in Oh beep and it's on and I'll go to the last thing that you did or you can set it to always go to video now if this is on your head on a helmet it's actually really hard to kind of even sometimes hear it press it or even know that it's on the right mode so I kind of went by just clicks and noises if I click it it's one beep I'm in the right thing

and I press the record it'll beep again if I press the record to stop the recording it will beep twice and let me know it's finished it was very frustrating Oh while ago I actually had a little remote on my hand that you could press but I found it a Apple watch can actually work with it but then GoPro decided to remove that app from the Apple Store for an unknown reason and I was actually pretty disgruntled I bought this knowing that I can control it with my Apple watch and that did not happen the Apple watch had a preview good press record set the mode then I had to use my phone to do so which kind of frustrating when you've got gloves on and you're in the snow and you want to take out your phone have a look and in put it back in press record it also uses up your own battery I had the pocket here by the way that's why I'm referring to it here and it it is it is very frustrating to say the least to use this the buttons themselves aren't really clicky and you can't tell if you've clipped it especially through a glove taking it off obviously it works wonders there is no actual nice display that you'd have in the old ones they used to have a little display here with numbers and it's recording now it has a little light that's actually hard to see and when you put the cover on it get frustrating this is the only accessory not the handle but this is the only mount you get with it if this breaks you got to go buy another one and putting it in is there's no trouble at all we'll slip it in just like any other enclosure the cool thing is this new design or this ability to be actually waterproof without a waterproof case means you can use every single old other attachment for your GoPro so what was I talking about the old design well there is a sections version of the GoPro camera that one is a very small box the size of this one heroes proper picture up here no screen on the back just press and go and I really liked that I thought that would be a great design without this bulky one it's actually bulky and at this stage I don't think GoPro should be making bulky devices they should be getting smaller and better this feels like a pretty standard Don thing now seeing use cases for like drones where you put a GoPro on it I've

gopro hero 7 silver vs black

hero 7 black

gopro hero7 silver

gopro hero 7 silver test

seen it used in all sorts of things cars you know boats anything that you want to record on bikes got a recording of a bike that I'll show you guys here but I think it should be getting smaller and it should not have the screen anymore there is no use nobody's gonna go through the footage and watch it or join their friends be like hey guys have a look look at this small screen it's terrible to use that touchscreen is is nice but the button did the whole thing so small my fingers are too fat to really use it to me it could be my fault but it's useless so GoPro sessions I firmly believe is actually the best design they've got sure sure okay the not all accessory could work with it but if you're just mounting it everything's got a mount and you can mount it to anything it'll be smaller on your helmet it still performs really well and I'm sure I'm sure if they take away the screen they can make their sessions and much better device so I apologize for talking about the session too much but I'm comparing it an older product that's actually around the same price as this one it is sold out now it's actually pretty hard to get but Amazon had it for $200 it was well priced it did 1080p at 60 this one does 4k at 30 frames it does 1080p at 60 and there's a couple of things that really annoy me about it first of all at 4k and 30 frames this eats through the battery this is also the device that you can't add an external battery pack and you can't charge it on the go and it has a terrible battery gopro should be ashamed the battery on this using 4k horrible absolutely horrible I switched to 1080p and at 60 the the battery was acceptable it worked really well but then another problem presents itself the 4k sensor uses a very nice wide angle and the 1080p because it's doing double amount of frames actually a lot closes in and makes the view terrible it's almost like a four by three view it why what is this crap and then to make matters even worse that touchscreen menu it's horrible to turn on 4k it's a little 4k icon to turn on 1080p 60 frames it's a snail how stupid do your customers seem GoPro that your button to turn on a slow-mo or or rather 1080p 60 where you can slow down the footage a little bit or bring it down to 30 there'll be more frames you call it snail you have an icon of a snail and you call it slow mode how stupid do you think we are the menu is horrible there's no point having it the settings are atrociously dump down this product is dumped down from the versions that were before there was so much more choice there was so much more control that was easily accessible but also easily understood this just sounds like a child's toy a snail before I bagged it too much there are a couple of things that make this GoPro quite awesome one of them is the fact that it gets cheap yes location not just from your phone but also from the device itself and can tell you all about the mountain a few a couple screenshots of it grabbing me traveling you're on the mountain on Japan what it can also do is actually grab the speed that you're going and you can put a little overlay on top of a video in the actual software provided by GoPro which is pretty darn cool there is also a jeet sensor that can tell if you're going fast around a corner or pulling some G's as they say that in fact is also another overlay kind of misleading in the sense of what it does and it's not that sensitive but it seems to work and it's limited to just showing on the video as a little overlay there's also a little guide to show you what areas you've gone intensely in so speed wise a little bar over a period of time which is really good and trying to find out where you had those massive and awesome highlights those jumps or maybe those fast points it's a great way to capture it other than that that overlay isn't necessarily useful so while the footage that I got on the 4k xxx is actually quite nice the colors the the white balance is okay you have to do some editing to get it better I'll try and show you two comparisons all in all it's an acceptable product but I just don't feel like GoPro has done anything new better or even slightly more improved I feel they've gone backwards with this product apart from the fact that you literally cannot use it with your gloves and you don't have a screen to look at and the only light telling you that it's recording is right there on the left and it's fairly visible there's no way have it on your helmet and actually check if it's recording except the sounds but if it's really loud and you're snowboarding and it's making lots noise you'll never gonna hear of the sounds battery horrible recording a 4k get about 30 minutes recording at 1080p at 60 you might even get two hours okay let's let's summarize can I recommend this probably not not when this is potentially not the best GoPro they've made in the past it's just the one that is available at the shops today the hero 5 Black Edition will probably have a lot of more Pro features I know it does and has a few features that makes it a viable package for the concerns I have is still with this design which is the same with the black it is also same with the way it's being used and nobody uses a touchscreen really nobody I don't think nobody does I really sincerely believe I had so many crashes using it the the icons are dumped down I felt bit stupid treated stupidly by the menu the software is terrible if you get a chance to get the sessions for online buy it it'll probably be better than the white that's for sure don't buy the white version this one here is probably what you're gonna get if you're just casually using it very casual use maybe that's what it's marketed for but maybe you can have two firmwares maybe update the furnace to change things or you want to choose the old classic way of choosing settings allow us a locket cracker jailbreak it whatever it is make this usable because this is a very powerful camera held back by software so finally let's say this you want to get it and using casual things it's pretty good price and it's better than the white too expensive little black but this will do fine for a family trip snowboard or even just casual trips if you want something a little bit more versatile get the sessions for you'll get less 4k but you actually get some usable footage and it's really smaller much easier to use friends thank you very much for watching I hope this has not turned you off so much but it is a couple of my complaints that I found over the trip I had obviously battery was terrible and you couldn't just challenge it on the go there's no battery packs to add so we'll leave it at that let me know in the comments what you think about this version the silver the seven have they taken a step backwards could there be things they could do better I hope you enjoyed some of the footage the quality of it obviously like I mentioned sometimes the person using the GoPro is bad but the GoPro is pretty good at making something look good and something like force so the images I captured is very amateurish and I hope it gives you an idea of what you might get if you are don't have much knowledge about these guys when you first jump in and it's kind of hard being on the mountain trying to figure it out I mean I used it on the snow I didn't use it anywhere else from the bike bike footage you came out really nicely but again it could just be the user friends thank you very much for watching I'll catch you in another video

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Good Bye GoPro - Hero 7 Silver Review
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