Telstra Payment Outage

Telstra Payment Outage

hello friends it's tech man Pat and we've got tech news for you today let's just quickly jump back to a little topic we had last time you may remember that few years back NBN's former CEO bill Murrow shared the cold hard truth with the public they dropped their plans to speed up the network due to costs and pushing the Australian public frustrations over the edge at the same time when should we expect a hundred megabits per second speeds to become available over fixed wireless news tomorrow we killed it never never maybe Wow Never Say Never yeah nobody not on the roadmap any longer
Telstra Payment Outage

Telstra Payment Outage

all this because of the so-called Netflix effect this morning I read an article in the ABC website where NBN head of stakeholder relations Sam DeMarco said what we saw in 2015 was the introduction of Netflix within Australia and that was a catalyst for change on all our networks including fixed wireless we saw usage behavior and consumption accelerate which put pressure on the network in terms of how it was designed originally ironically and network was supposed to be future-proof can't even cope with one service let alone multiple as we now have four years later now the article continues experts have hit back at claims and the echo didn't anticipate the rise of Netflix and look I

love hearing this the media outlets are like hey we sound like we kind of know what's going on and we speak to people who have maybe some knowledge about this topic well let me just open up this massive dictionary of mainstream sponsored media ooh I found it just call them experts that will do like what are they an expert in anyway but that's something that grinds my gears you know at uni we were always forced and told to add sources and exact names of people to give them some weight so when I hear experts I don't know who they're talking about so not an expert but a politician in 2010 actually our then Prime Minister Julia Gillard released a corporate plan for the NBN the plan clearly noted in its summary of key industry trends that strong usage growth is expected to continue with real-time on-demand traffic increasing with video on-demand services audio streaming and it also highlights that your landline phone over the Internet known as VoIP is amongst the fastest-growing services and look probably mainly because of telcos are all outsourcing their call centers overseas and milds NBN is also forcing you to cut your phone line anyway so that report continued the NBN was supposed to provide infrastructure that would enable the growth of video streaming and other new

online applications I guess it all comes back to a simple problem that I keep seeing no one at NBN seems to be forward-thinking at this moment right now we are repurposing copper cables just to save on costs no one seems to have learned from past mistakes so while the mainstream media is fastened on about that continuously we need to move on our attention is limited and the next piece of news is Telstra once again not because of the hole who will buy the NBN let's hope it's not Telstra but another reason to add to the list why they shouldn't be allowed to buy anything as you may have felt this week Telstra suffered a major outage this time it wasn't your mom and dad's mobile phones that went down it was the ever so coveted enterprise accounts of all Australia's big four banks as well as

Woolworths Celtx and Australia Post they were all hit I'll accept Cole's who came out and said hey fellas come shop over here we accept your magic plastic thingamajigs so bank payments ATMs F bus machines were knocked out causing unprecedented chaos this is turkmen pad streaming from Crystal peak ne terminated fans out there what do you guys think of the new terminal movie the trailer came out Sarah's back anyway while the world didn't end it showed us that again no system is safe the cause of the outage was Telstra's coin network which services the middleman for payment platforms and payment data transferred to the exact coin is an IP based Virtual Private Network for

transmission of payment files between pot tips it's supposed to be safe it's supposed to be good ingesting ly enough the RBA revealed that outages and tech infrastructure outages have jumped to an all-time high almost by 40% they were warning the banks and telcos about the dangers of the aging infrastructure doesn't that sound particularly familiar if we just kind of roll back to the NBN honestly it must be an industry-wide thing if it ain't broke don't fix it but hey if it breaks and it's back up in a day or two just leave it because it will cost way too much to upgrade and/or replace we have to keep those shares high for our shareholders who are also the people who we serve the service - because

Telstra Payment Outage

people invest in companies but wait there's more in the aftermath of this latest outage affected retailers are fighting back they are sick and tired of being charged ridiculous fees to use F bus machines and people are sick and tired of the $10 minimum on card or the extra 50 cents charge get lost oh go somewhere else retailers are bonding together they're going to fight back and as you may have guessed no I wish I could say that that all retailers are going to ditch those systems and go back to something better or not go back for find something better but the monopoly is so well entrenched with the four banks it's too hard to do so so-called experts have said that Telstra should be on the hook for the losses which are estimated to be around 100 million dollars for that day but while many people didn't get to spend money that day they will come back the next day and so on so all will be made well and this will be forgotten until the next time we all jump on Twitter to complain a very sad cycle that is trending consistently in the same direction the cause of the outage is has not been

confirmed and let's be real when it does it'll be a little footnote on a blog post somewhere on the internet there most won't get to hear about and on that depressing note I'm going to call it a day friends thanks for watching let me know what you think about Telstra's outage is is this just gonna keep happening more and more because of the old infrastructure they're running all these systems on are they just patching it with duct tape and glue thanks for watching I'll catch you guys in another video like subscribe and I actually let me know if you were affected by the outage yesterday tell us your story bye

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