Telstra TV 3rd generation review

Telstra TV 3rd generation review

hey guys and welcome back to damn de today we're gonna do a full review on the Telstra TV 3rd generation so did everything in the review will be telling you some of the apps that are supported which is a bit disappointing like your 10 or lakhs so as Amazon Prime and much more but first of all we're just gonna show you the cables at the back and what port said it's missing which is a bit annoying so obviously you got your internet you got your HDMI and your micro USB micro sd you got your antenna and your power but what they're missing here which is a little bit disappointing is an optical cable to have your audio so if you're wanting real good surround sound you're gonna have to run a haich-d my audio into your amplifier which is a bit disappointing that an optical port they used to have here I believe on the second generation and the first generation and do not count me on that
Telstra TV 3rd generation review

Telstra TV 3rd generation review

then on the side we have a USB so you can plug in a hard drive and if you've got some online movies there or just some photos you can watch those as well so you can play those through the I believe it's the Roku player will show you that a little bit later as well all sort of it Frank you got Telstra TV and this light will flash if there is no network connection so that way if you're not getting any network connection you know that there you're not connecting to any Wi-Fi and at the back or the side again we've got a roku tag as well and then there's nothing else there then at the front of the box here you got your Telstra logo in at the back you just have a little reset button and toasting the model number right here so that's everything right there with the box then with the remote obviously you just got your mute to your volume your power home and everything else is the same except the voice recognition you have voice recognition as well which we're going to show you a bit about as well and give them you my personal opinion on it and show you how that all works though that's basically everything for right there so I head over to the TV and basically I've already set it up stuff you want to see the setup video I do have that link down below so first of all now what we're going to talk about is they're not supported Maps which is super annoying as I said before that is going to be
general access so it's not supported also you don't have Amazon Prime so if you want to know miss on Prime to what yes got a subscription with those you won't be to watch Amazon Prime which is a bit disappointing so that's two apps if they're not supported and they may come in the future but at the moment they're not but if you you're buying this box for Karis port it has that so this box will have chaos for it as Foxtel now netflix and it has all your free to wear apps so if you want seven plus nine now and all that in this box will support it so let's head over to TV and basically show you some of the features and show the home so the door review on the home screen it's not any different to this second generation as to keep that in mind so that's her over to TV now so now we're on the TV and hopefully you can understand me a bit better because we've got a bit of microphone for this so first of all we're going to show you the voice feature now I do have enough video on that I'll have that link in the description as well stuff you want to check out that video on how to use the voice I did make a video on that but we're going to briefly show you it again so you can have a look at it now I'm gonna

show you why I don't like it now at first I went oh yeah it's a pretty good idea but it's not really good at all for example if I asked it to play like a stranger things it won't do it it'll bad something just tell me a bit about it and some of the cast of it in it and then they'll tell me to hit play my Netflix now let's just I'll just show you what I mean by that now this could be an update in the future but the fact is if they will do this is another thing so that's head over to the voice recognition so first of all we say play stranger things sure I found a few options for that so it does this so you'd think it would open Netflix and start playing it but no it doesn't so basically you have to click out of these options here so if you want to turn into things just click on this one here and basically you've got the options a week and what you so these are the available seasons and this is where it's available and it's in 4k now I do like that feature now that is a great feature but I would like the feature if you say play it plays it if you just say stranger things it opens it but doesn't matter what you say you need to say stranger things play stranger things watch strange things it's still gonna bring you to this success actor menu but what's weird enough if we get out of this for example just say the Telstra TV doesn't know any information on a certain movie so I did this a few weeks ago we'll see if this has been updated I searched up bird

box now tell she TV had no information about it so let's just see what happens watch bird box no problem I'll play that now because Telstra TV has no information it automatically places so you'd think well if you asked a certain TV showing if it's available on one of the apps like Stan Netflix um you'd expected to play it but no it doesn't a less telstra TV has no information about the movie so which is weird and it's a bit disappointing with that one of course it does other stuff so if you hold down the mic you can tell it to pause you can rewind and so on with the remote so that's basically voice recognition I'm not going to get too much into a part I don't really like and the voice control voice recognition voice control I don't it's not really my thing it would be better if it actually did what you asked it to do so for example if you said watch something so if you wanted to watch a certain movie so for example I can see MKR over this so we're going to ask to watch that now we'll see what happens watch MKR sure let's go and I'm not sure what it's done here okay so I don't even know what it's nothing there ahaha yes so sometimes it can do that but Gus do other things for example if you want to open an app I'm pretty sure you gotta say the launching instead of opening would give that a shot open Netflix no worries launching now okay so it doesn't matter which one you say you can either say launch you not open it really won't matter but you can't open select it out so any apps you've got you can basically ask it to open which is pretty cool right there so that's basically the voice control and I just want to show you a bit about that and how that all works obviously now we're going to head over to the categories over here well not really categories but you got home live search so you can search for a movie right there you got my apps and you got the App Store and settings so that's best everything right there now with the apps talk so well there's not much you can really download over in the App Store yep so there's not much at all I'm a bit disappointed with the selected apps they've got but they've got Netflix stand and you to fostonia 9 now 7 plus I view and the good such a bunch of other stuff that you may use even they've got Plex so if you know how to use Plex and you got stuff on Plex you want to use you can set that one up right there too and they've got I Heart Radio and that's basically everything there again they are missing tunnel access so that is a major when they do need to add channel access it would be great and even Amazon Prime would be great Amazon

video I think that's cool now I'm not too sure yeah I think it's a cool prime video yes so they need to add Prime video because that's pretty good I'm to get the prime video and there's quite a lot of great content on there and I think there's some exclusive originals on the prime video that would be great if we can access over on their Telstra TV so now what we're going to show you we're just gonna show you a brief look off the home page so we're just gonna quickly give you that a bit of a look so basically under my apps what it's gonna give you here tell you what you've recently been using so just think Netflix was the last app we actually used and that's basically the riffing thing these are all you actually have got installed again if you want to see every single app you do have installed basically just go to my apps this is all the apps you've got a store and tells you exactly how many you've got and that is 14 so we go back to the home page and then you got like kids on Telstra TV and this should combined I think Netflix probably the Telstra box office tell she TV box office right there I'm assuming it does do that and the well knows if I click on something it should tell me where it's gonna be available ok so some of them are actually available so it actually combines it with all apps on telstra TV which is pretty cool then you got Netflix so basically this is actually cool as well it has to continue watching your trending and stuff like that and showed you a bunch of toaster TV and then you got featured on our second plus and you look shows online now so it's pretty cool and fast

easily scroll through a bunch of entertainment that you may want to watch got ABC 10 play so you can easily to scroll through and then you got Fox telling now now no you don't even need to have these apps installed for it to come up they will come up anyway I'm pretty sure that is right because I don't even think I've got an Alexa 10 play installed let's go take a look okay I do for example we're just gonna uninstall' that just to double check for this video and just in case I said something that I wasn't going to there I'm pretty sure it was still pop park if we uninstall an app so we're just remove Foxtel okay so we've done all that and we'll just head down to the bottom I'm pretty sure it does pop up yeah does okay I just double checking just in case it was wrong so yeah even if you don't have

these apps installed they will pop up now down here you got a few options so obviously you can unlink your voice which we will show you how to do that and basically that will show you in another video which will be coming up this week actually on Tuesday and basically what you can do you can actually control your Telstra TV with your Google home now I'm not sure if I've got this connected so we'll just give it a little try I may have it connected but I'm not sure hey Google Telstra TV launch Netflix okay so that's not the prompt that you give it again we may not have that one we've done like what we did but we mustn't because I'm pretty sure what you got to say to what you're gonna say hey

 Google telstra TV home yeah okay so I must have that link duck but I will show you how to do that in a later video it's pretty cool because what you can do you can just ask Google for example to open Netflix it will do that for you with on Google home doesn't matter what Google home you have so it will do that which is awesome but one thing that won't do if you ask it to play like and loss and space on Netflix it won't open lost the space on Netflix so that's a bit annoying I did a bit of tests around with it but it still doesn't do everything that you want it to do especially if you're wanting it to open Netflix or play a certain TV show on Netflix I'll play anything in general I don't think it's going to be able to do that again we're gonna do a full test on that tomorrow so we'll do a full test on that and hopefully you liked that video I am yeah so we'll just keep scrolling yeah so that's everything down here and if you don't want live TV to pop up you can basically disable that which we're just going to leave that for now and we just have backups on top now note if you're not through Telstra and you've bought the Telstra TV but you're through Optus or a different carrier note what I've showed you right now this all here you will not be out to access ok it will not allow you to use it or even could scroll through it unless you're a Telstra customer now you can be you don't actually have to be it linked up to a Telstra broadband of a civic Telstra broadband basically all you need to do is link up the Tasha to a Telstra account and from there to access this feature in live TV you just do to either have a Telstra mobile broadband Telstra bigpond broadband or basically just doing our Telstra hotspot probably Telstra mobile phone and you'll be able to access this menu but you will need a Telstra connection to access this and life so keep that in mind it's a bit of a annoying thing had I've done that making it exclusive some stuff exclusive to Telstra customers so over in live TV show you a bit about that now things may go bad we'll just try to open this just quickly check at the antenna is plug so normally it ball load but I'm in a bad about each area so we sure that again maybe if we go over to the sorry that because I've been about outage area we're gonna have a massive problem with loading up the TV yard so open the TV Guide the fact is if it's going to respond is another thing again you're not going to have this issue if you're not in a bad at each area we do apologize for any of that and but you know we're in a orange zone of an internet quality so we can't get the best so this is what can happen and we are actually not going to be able to show you that one in this video because we're in an outage area so we do apologize for that but that's something we cannot show you so now you got search so basically you can search for a bunch of stuff now obviously this has searched when I asked for MKR don't know why it's done it but that's basically what that's found there so you can scroll down here

and have a look at some other movies I'll show you where available so if we click on Jurassic world it should show us where this is available so the valve on Foxtel now and HD or you can buy it from $14.99 so you can do that too so we're back out of that that's basically the search feature not much you can really do it over there and obviously you get your my apps here so you can look through those which I showed before now again I got a comment on my channel asking can you make that ad smaller and sadly I have not found a way of doing it so I'm pretty sure you cannot make these ads smaller and basically in settings there's not too much you can do over here obviously you got your network but if you're wanting to amp set up and scan your remote so first of all if you wanting to control your TV with the remote basically you just want to go over to this setting here and you want to start setting up your TV with the remote so then you just want to go over to that setting if you want to like to control the volume and turn your TV off want to go to that setting right there if you want to scan your channels in basically you want to interests here I'm skiing over here and this will start

finding all your new channels and we'll give that a shot to see if we can find anything but I have a feeling we're not gonna find anything at all but this is how you scan your channels and as you see it's moving actually pretty fast meeting there's actually no signal in my area at this current point you'd think I would because I actually have quite a big antenna outside but there's no signal around I'll just give that a little bit just to see if I can show you that live feature because it's actually quite a lot you can do you can have a look at the guide also you can pause up to 30 minutes so that's actually kind of cool it's going to show you guys that but if we can't get to that I do apologize for any of that so we'll just wait a few more seconds so normal as slow it means it's actually finding channels so it's possible it's finding some pink alright and then the last thing we're going to show you which I don't have a thumb drive to have I don't have any movies on it but we're going to show you where you can play all your videos if you've got a USB even a micro SD are pretty sure you can use this with as well and if you've got videos on your local network you can connect to your local network and play your videos or just have a look at your photos which will show you that in a minute - okay so have we found and think no channels at all okay it's getting pretty bad okay we do apologize for that but you cannot get

any channels in my area so we used to be able to get them but now we can't so now what we're going to do is head over to I believer have the app installed okay we'll just find the app there it is at the end okay so it's the Roku media player that's what this is so you can open this app up and basically if you've got videos on your local network you'll be able to watch those even if you've got a thunder I plugged into your Roku well toss your TV you'll be able playing this as well now that is our gateway right there so that's our Telstra gateway now if I had a hard drive for example plugged into had sharing enabled I'd be able to access any videos that I had on that hard drive if I had the router to share them now I don't have actually anything connected to that so we'll we'll have a look now what this is doing here now this is picking up my computer so because I've got my Gateway tells reckoning to my computer it's gonna pick up one movie and obviously there's nothing in there but it can pick up what is on your computer and these are just files as well but there's no cure as well but yes you can set up your computer as a sharing with the network and it should pop up under the Telstra gateway depending on what your wife is called and that's what a we call it stuff you got Netgear it should say Nikki a gateway so that will be all there as well then you go settings take a mock up a few things right here right there so that's how you can get music photos videos and movies and if you don't want to plug a USB or something into your Roku or Telstra TV just plug it into your router and you can share it between all your devices with your router if you connect to the same Wi-Fi network it's a great place to put in your photo stuff you got Roku Telstra TV and you can easily just quickly share those photos and look at them nealy on any device that will allow you to share this so anything that's got a media player you should be able to access your files with your local shared network on Telstra or any network at all so I believe Gate are Nikki and does it I'm not sure about a bunch of others but I've tried it on Nikki and I know that does work so that's basically everything kia and there's not much more on that I can basically sure I'm pretty sure I've showed everything right here and yeah now we're just going to talk about a few things set is a bit annoying with the Telstra TV that you may already know but I'll tell you guys anyway so first of all one of them is if you scroll through the menu really fast and backup what you're fine will happen ill freaks and sometimes it'll freeze that bad there you actually need to pull the plug out of the Telstra TV so it can freeze if you're really fast with the box so keep that in mind if you're comparing this to the Apple TV I haven't really had a problem with the Apple TV freezing so that's something you may want to keep in mind but TV can freeze occasionally if you are really fast with it okay so keep that in mind now I never bonus with the Telstra TV which actually is kind of a big bonus if you're a fan of Telstra TV box office well Telstra TV is the way to go because it's not just set you get a hundred and twenty four dollars credit so one hundred and twenty four dollars credit you can go rent or your favorite blockbuster movies right there so you can start up your collection of renting your favorite movies will start buying some movies that you may want to buy on the Telstra TV box of its so I don't think the Telstra TV box office is available on Apple TV I don't believe it's available on any media player eater so it definitely gets on the Telfer I don't think it's available on the Fox tell me our box def ago that's about valuable anyway I know the only other places I know what is available is obviously it's going to be your Android iOS and stuff like that I don't believe it's only any other smart devices my Smart TVs it might be but on their

 website it doesn't say it is so that something I did want to let you know so if you're a fan of Telstra TV box of us the Telstra TV is the way to go so yeah that's everything right yeah I'm hoping I gave you a bit of an idea if I missed anything at all let us know down below and I do apologize if I have miss stomach that you did want me to mention but I'm pretty sure that's everything in the video and I just see now because we have no channels you are going to get this option right here now of course if you cannot get any free-to-air channels basically you can disable this annoying thing by clicking this which we are going to disable that feature and pop through and that way you won't get that annoying thing to tell you the rescan chin ups so yeah that's basically everything in today's video thanks again for watching if you liked it at all let us know down below thanks again for watching de nada we'll catch you guys next tim

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Telstra TV 3rd generation review
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