Is 5G going to fry our brains?

hello friends Pat here welcome to another video in the series that I have called Tech Talk as a placeholder but it has stuck in this episode we are going to compare some articles from the world to understand if the 5g mobile network that is coming to Australia is dangerous to our health look you're being exposed to radiation right now it's coming to you at from both space and the soil from the water the food and the body itself it's radioactive and you're being exposed to microwaves and radio waves both natural and human-made could be Wi-Fi TV radio station cell phones 3G 4G and now 5g and look Bhaiji is just getting started so what is the 5g network it is a digital cellular network in which the service area covered by providers is divided into small geographical areas called cells and AAG
Is 5G going to fry our brains?

Is 5G going to fry our brains?

signals representing sounds and images are digitized in the phone converted by an analog to digital converter and transmitted as a stream of bits all the 5g wireless devices in a cell communicate by radio waves with a local antenna array and low-power automated transceivers in the cell over frequencies and channels assigned by the transceiver from a common pool of frequencies which are reused in geographically separated cells the local antennas are connected with telephone network and internet by a high bandwidth optical fiber or wireless backhaul connection usually to the NBN fibre if one is available like existing cell phones when a user crosses from one cell to another their mobile device is automatically handed off seamlessly to the antenna in the new cell the new 5g wireless

devices also have 4G LTE capabilities as the new network uses 4G for initially establishing the connection with the cell as well as in locations where 5g access is just not available now 5g can support up to a million devices per square kilometre while 4G supports only up to 100 devices per square kilometer simply better and faster however this also means there is a lot more mini tau being built to the point where there could be one every few streets or even homes and that is scary so 5g is a wireless communication protocol a quick look back at our high school years reminds us that there is a spectrum for all wireless signals from AM radio to visible light than ultraviolet light 5g will use a spectrum in the existing LT frequency range of 600 megahertz to 6 gigahertz and a millimeter wave band between 24 and 80 60 Hertz now large quantities of new spectrum 5g and our frequency bands

have been allocated to 5g in order to support its increasing throughput requirements for example in July 2016 the US Federal Communications Commission the FCC freedom vast amounts of bandwidth in underused high band spectrum for 5g the spectrum frontier proposal doubled the amount of millimeter-wave unlicensed spectrum to 14 gigahertz and created four times the amount of flexible mobile use spectrum the FCC had licensed to date now as of March 2019 there are reportedly 52 countries territories special administrative regions disputed territories and dependencies that are

formally considering introducing certain spectrum bands for terrestrial 5g services or are holding consultations regarding suitable spectrum allocations for 5g or have reserved spectrum for 5g or have announced plans to auction frequencies or have already allocated spectrum for 5g use also because of espionage fears on foreign uses by Chinese equipment vendors several countries including Australia United Kingdom and the Netherlands as of early 2019 have taken actions to restrict or eliminate the use of Chinese equipment in their respective 5g networks Chinese vendors and the Chinese government have denied these claims okay so the main health risk is radiation damage that cannot be seen and so radiation can be broadly divided into ionizing and non-ionizing types now ionizing radiation is powerful enough to damage DNA which is why you have to be careful about how much sunlight you get or to my x-rays enough obviously sunlight the damaging part is the ultraviolet light ionizing radiation is powerful enough to damage DNA which is why you have to be careful about too much sunlight or too many x-rays now ionizing radiation doesn't have enough energy to break our DNA and therefore we have traditionally thought it cannot cause things like cancer 5g type electromagnetic waves are a higher frequency than 4G and therefore further up the spectrum towards x-ray but still on a non ionizing side because they have a shorter wavelength the waves are less able to penetrate solid objects just like sunlight can go through a wall technically speaking being indoors will hinder 5g reception for this reason like I mentioned earlier 5g requires many suitcase sites sell boxes to boost the signals and directed around corners and other obstacles the radio waves are non

Is 5G going to fry our brains?

ionizing in 2011 the World Health Organization research team classified all radiofrequency emissions as possible carcinogens and for reference coffee and pickled vegetables are in the same possibly carcinogenic list now the first wave of 5g devices and towers will be using the same spectrum as 4G LTE so for now you can sleep soundly once our Aussie telcos decide to put more money into 5g they will start using the higher frequency bands 24 gigahertz and 28 and later 37 and 39 and 47 there's also lots of talk on the Internet specifically Facebook about the phone industry trying to suppress data about the dangers of cellphone radiation suggestions have been made that the same deceptive tactics used by the tobacco industry to hide the danger of cigarette smoking are being used by the wireless industry well dr. Kyle crucially insky a gentleman who frequents the triple j office as a science communicator and qualified scientist doctor and engineer who is not part of any telco had this to say now all mobile phones including 5g use hives frequency radio waves that's a type of elect magnetic way as the frenzy gets higher we can send more information in a second but the signal is more easily blocked by solid stuff like the concrete in buildings our current 4g mobile phone networks run at frequencies between 700 megahertz and a few thousand megahertz which is the same as a few gigahertz now the new 5g network uses two main bands one under six gigahertz that's six billion

 cycles per second while the other one is above 24 gigahertz so that's higher frequency than 4G but it's still lower than visible light which sits around 600,000 gigahertz so now it's time to re-emphasize two points first as the frequency gets higher we get more cycles per second so we can transmit more data second as the frequency gets higher the ability of the radio signal to pass through stuff gets less once again plain old physics tells us that the 5g radio signal will be more easily blocked by the concrete in buildings than our current 3G or 4G phones this is all non ionizing radiation it does not carry enough energy to damage atoms so it cannot cause cancer the frequency and energy is just too low to damage atoms we have run many hundreds of studies over the last half century and we have never been able to prove that any of these non ionizing radiations caused cancer it's non ionizing the bottom line it's never been proven to cause cancer it might sit in your skin and warm it up but that doesn't cause cancer it'll warm up your skin a tiny amount but so tiny you won't be able to actually measure it and so for the official studies that I have found over the last few weeks have been that the frequencies that 5g uses can warm up skin or a very minut amount however is so minimal it's difficult to measure in fact since the 50s we have been using technology that adopts electromagnetic ray creation to heat they are called infrared heaters and you can walk down to Bunnings right now and get yourselves one of those because heating as far as those articles and peer-reviewed studies state doesn't mean danger doesn't be cancer all that said UV tanning booths are much more dangerous than wireless signals because UV has been proven to cause skin cancer there has been no conclusive results indicating that mobile technologies are eminently dangerous to humans many astroturf errs rely on how difficult it is to contextualize scientific results to make wild claims that go unchecked for a long time in particular they often cite one specific study as proof for their misinformation think vaccines cause autism where the one guy who did the study faked it all and people keep pointing to the same study as proof now remember how I mentioned that 5g has a hard time going through solid objects well that's because it is a higher frequency and just because something is higher doesn't mean it's more powerful or dangerous you see the argument that the higher frequency causes more damage has been debunked to numerous experts on the biological effects of electromagnetic radiation confirm the opposite opinion the reason for this is human skin offers a protective boundary that reflects high frequencies protecting internal organs higher frequency radio waves are less likely to reach your brain than lower frequency waves now with more people using mobile phones Wi-Fi and other wireless

gadgets you could imagine the cancer rates would go up but a quick look at some stats cannot justify that thinking so look scary stories make for popular headlines but the reality is that small pieces of potential events are often quickly blown out of proportion background radio frequency radiation levels even in today's very dense world everywhere you look there is radiation emitting devices the LTE networks around us are constantly buzzing but they still fall well below the regulatory and scientifically tested safe limits even mobile phone manufacturers have to prove that their latest gadgets will exceed the outlet limits but none of this should stop any studies into radiofrequency radiation because the more we know the better we can protect ourselves from potential carcinogenic

like how cellphone radiation affects fertility or if there are elevated risks for children if there are unknown risks we certainly want to know about them however at this stage there is no evidence that 5g is unsafe for the public friends thank you very much for watching if you like this sort of content then tap that like button and if you'd like to see more please consider subscribing we're an Aussie based YouTube channel creating local content for people just like you and we really love your engagement it means a lot so if you have some thoughts you'd like to share with us please comment below let me know what you think about this subject it is a very touchy subject and I'll speak to you guys in the comments

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