NBN price hike!?

NBN price hike!?

hello friends hope you have been keeping well for those returning subscribers welcome back appreciate you and I your support for those who are new my name is Pat and welcome to our Channel and by that I mean the occasional German Shepherd who pops by honestly this was not planned I honestly didn't plan is she just jumps on me every time I start talking but other than that she just sits by and enjoys uh listening to news so today we have a lot to talk about lots of good stuff and around mainly the NBN actually so I am sorry this episode is very Indian centric but fear not tomorrow's episode get a double episode this week won't be well it won't be all about that so it'll be about Google stadia Netflix and much more news that has come out this half of the week now the NBN is back in print let's build a picture here with some context in this particular order I have been reading a bunch of news from this week first off we need to talk about Ozzie broadband and they are just an NBN RSP who you may have seen I mentioned in my description below don't go there yet just hang on in the way of full disclosure and I'm not sure if this is obvious or not but in I have no deal or
NBN price hike!?
NBN price hike!?

sponsorship with these guys they're just my choice of providers that I have found to provide good service so far and I'm happy to recommend these when asked I also shared the referral link that is available to every customer you can look it up in your account with no strings attached that gives you a $50 credit towards your plan and also gives me the same amount now with that said these guys are in the news and as soon as I thought and I saw this at a tall man what's happened now and I mean will this change my opinion of them well not in a negative way apparently so ozzie broadband is working towards a better deal for disadvantaged stray Lian's and also joining in with focus and vodafone to reconsider how the CVC is implemented which we will discuss in a moment they have joined the ACCA n asking for the 50 megabits to be halved in price for disadvantaged users and holts who are receiving also government assistance suggesting a price of 35 to 39 per month on the unlimited data NBN 50 product a very different approach for sure to give customers and it could mean an uptake in NBN products however if it became available remember all RS B's could provide this offer so it's not necessarily a good light on them that they're all being very humanitarian but it does mean that they are thinking about certain groups of people in Australia now how realistic is a plan price for those

NBN price hike!?

who are struggling with their finances or other ways well I really don't know there are well look there has been many examples where certain costs are priced differently based on age and financial status just think of bus or train tickets it's not unheard of doing something like this would be admitting that the Internet is a human necessity maybe not like water or power but you can't pay either of these without the internet and these days you can't even have a phone line without being connected to the NBN I mean they sought to that now I certainly believe that internet access should be affordable and even to the level of a must-have the question I put to you guys is do you think the Internet is a human right let's chat in the comments below about that No price-wise in general without any subsidy the NBN is a very expensive product for the average Australian anyway we could compare it to other countries all day long but that's neither here on there we're not there and nothing's gonna change the way we're doing things here because of other countries but that again is problematic because other countries could lead by example and if it's truly just followed some of their examples we might have a better infrastructure in regards to the incident not everything let's one get me wrong here I think a much lower price for all levels of speed should be implemented and the difference made up in how

many people actually connect because we want to connect to the NBN we want to use the product and we want to have a price that is reasonable now if you have a product that is affordable you will have more people using it and if you provide a service that is capable of providing Heist and create high speed plans for those who can afford them they will pay and provide you the RSV and Indian code with income it's not rocket science let's be frank there are also folks who are willing to pay that $200 per month or more for speeds beyond 100 megabits I'm thinking 250 350 500 at gigabit now that's just some thoughts let me know what you guys think about that would you pay more are you willing to pay more for more speed if all the prices sort of came down a little bit so keeping that in mind let's talk about focus and Vodafone and ozzie broadband submission to NBN Co in regards to the CVC cost structure now when NBN Co put out a discussion document to all the RS bees we talked about this a little while back they wanted to get their thoughts on the NBN s current roll up and the replies were pretty clear please and I quote reconsider the CVC pricing model itself in order to create a sustainable price structure in the long term now if you want to get into more detail I have put all the links to the sources below you can have a read when you want now reworking the CVC price

structure is one thing and I change actually making a difference to the affordability on the customer side is another the question is is the CVC model the sole reason for the ridiculous price of the NBN it's been talked about a lot a lot of people have been pointing the finger at it and honestly I don't know and I just haven't been able to figure it out NBN Co isn't very forthcoming with their exact calculations and everything like that some are ESPYs do know a little bit more and if you want to check out an interview with an RSP owner I'll put that link below in the comments there remember they're still in a build mode and cash flow is an issue we talked about all the loans they're not able to pay back so it's hard to look past current costs and see further into the future on how they can make their product actually attainable and affordable so then Telstra they don't even want to change it they want to scrap it altogether get rid of the problem central role the bane of our ESPYs existence and of course excluding any aging copper they actually sold to Indiana in the first place and I get it if the CBC is causing so many problems let's just get rid of it entirely on the other hand is this just a ploy to get a bigger margin mmm now look the CDC cost and the way it is implemented is bonkers it is a

completely artificial cost and/or tax which creates scarcity where there is none leading to problems like this Andrew Penn touts that the CDC is a tax by Indian code for offloading traffic from the NBN to the RS B's Network see there are fears that over the next few years these prices will go up causing the IRS B's to pass on the cost to the customer and in the end making currently expensive plans even more so a problem for sure and this is why I think it comes back to our first story now just like ozzie broadband Telstra is also wanting NBN Co to consider lower pricing for pensioners and disadvantaged persons so is access to the Internet a human right to the point where wholesale providers need to lower their pricing or at least create a pricing structure that allows our SPS to sell an affordable product but doesn't let them create insane margins or if it does it could provide them a way to try and compete on pricing and look this is not just for pensioners and disadvantaged folk it's for everyone because I don't think the affordability for this product is just there yet but the takeaway here is that if n V encode do not do something about their pricing we could see a rising cost passed on to the consumers now while we can talk all we want about these things being too expensive in

NBN price hike!?

Australia getting the NBN built is also not cheap so let's do a quick news bite of that since 2017 NBN Co has spent nearly eight hundred million dollars to improve its wireless performance and in recent weeks in fact we have seen that they've been adding capacity upgrades for almost 200 fixed wireless towers and six states and territories if you want more know more details about these upgrades and the specifics again the links are below they write that the largest proportion of work focused on towers and Victoria followed by New South Wales and that was based on the analysis by the writers there in an article by ITV News now few things to note on this is that users will not see improvement in services it could be all the future proofing work or improvements to other systems to have no direct correlation on performance but might add to stability now they have said that overall the performance of the fixed wireless networks will improve over time as they finish these works so there is a lot

going on this week in the NBN code space it was quite expected when they were gonna reveal will not reveal but sort of talk about how the RS bees have come back with suggestions to NBN Co it's good to see that there are RS bees who are keen to discuss and understand the pricing is actually too expensive for the average Australian is very impressive so guys thank you very much for watching this update I know it's just been about the NBN but maybe some of you folk are only interested about the being thank you very much for watching like and subscribe let me know what you guys think in the comments below I'll chat to you there let's have a good discussion t

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