Watch Australian TV Channels Outside Australia Overseas (2020)

Watch Australian TV Channels Outside Australia Overseas (2020)

welcome you want to watch Australian television overseas then you found the right video I'm going to show you with several TV channels how you can watch outside of Australia no matter where you are first I'm going to show you the error message the channels give you you're probably familiar with this then I'm going to show you quickly how to solve this and afterwards I'm going to explain in detail why you're blocked and how the solution works and let's start with ABC iView here I'm on the website and if I try to play life I'm getting this error message sorry there has been a technical error and they don't even say what the exact problem is also if I want to watch one of these videos on demand I have a problem if I try to go to 9 now I also get an error message sorry 9 now is only available in host Australia then 7 plus I also get error we are experiencing a technical issue with 7
Watch Australian TV Channels Outside Australia Overseas (2020)
Watch Australian TV Channels Outside Australia Overseas (2020)

plus they don't even say why there is a problem but also here as BS on demand sorry this video is only available to stream within Australia due to publishing rights then 10 play side unavailable well so what can you do below the video in the description you find a list with good VPN providers you just click on show more or just choose the first one this is a paid service I will talk about free VPNs and other solutions afterwards after I explain the solution expressvpn by the way is available for all devices for your phone tablet rotor whatever PlayStation and so on also just for the browsers if you prefer let's just show how it works so here I have the software installed and I can choose a location and so basically well if I want to watch British television I can choose the location in the UK if I want to watch Dutch television that's possible if I want to watch US television for example if you have a

Netflix account just login to the U of us like choose one location don't just click on the generic u.s. thing here or you can also watch Canadian television no matter what kind of television you want to watch that's possible and now we want to watch Australian television so we can choose one location within Australia so just the tip don't just click here I mean of course you can do that and it might work but in some cases in cases it might not work and then it's much better to just choose you know like some location here so now I'm connecting and in addition to connecting me to a server in Perth and accessing the internet in purse now my complete internet connection is super highly encrypted as you can already hear some TV station is already playing now it's kind of strange I think it was seven plus so I reloaded the ABC live player and what's happening and now I can watch the ABC live TV I

go back here and let's try 9 now again but I have to warn you I cannot go just two I cannot just reload this page because it sent me to an error page so I have to go back to the original nine now website and now I'm reloading and as you can see now I can actually access this website let's try the live TV as you can see it's loading [Music] but I cannot show you too much but this is all you because now I'm accessing the Internet in Australia let's go to 7 plus and I'm choosing just like the first video here I'm clicking on play and now it's loading there is no instant error message and well now there is advertising but afterwards the program starts as you can see now I can watch the video let's go to SPS let's reload this page there's a nice documentary about Renoir well not sure if you're interested in that but just as an example before we have an error message here now the page is loading and well as

usual first you get some advertising but after the video starts and now as you can see the movie starts so well I cannot show you too much because I will get in trouble with YouTube then but as you could see it works and let's see what happens with ten play I'm reloading the page and as you can see now I can at least access the website and let's see what's happening here the video cloud video was not found what and as you can see now I can also use ten play but I cannot show you a lot but but at first try it didn't work and then I changed my location to Brisbane Brisbane and now it works so if you have a problem with one location in this instance with Perth just choose a different location and then

it should work as I mentioned before good VPN providers you can find links below in the description of this video and in general you cannot watch Australian television outside of Australia because of geo blocking it's a form of internet censorship in my opinion and you can read up on it on Wikipedia if you are interested basically every website can exactly see where you are entering the internet so basically where you are on the planet and they can see a lot more about you and also your internet service provider of course sees everything you're doing on the internet every website you visit every video you watch everything you download and they're storing this information for several months the solution for this is a virtual private network virtual in the sense that you don't have to lay a long cable all the way to Australia get an Australian Internet access and use this private net to watch your Australian television there are software providers that do all this for you in a virtual way so just through the internet and you have the choice to circumvent all kind of geo blocking so if you want to watch Australian television you can do that if you want to watch US television if you want to watch British television or Indian television whatever television you want to watch you can do that with a good VP and even Netflix works with the good providers you can surf the Internet fully encrypted and anonymous so no matter where you are it makes sense to use of the p-n connection so even if you are in Australia for example you should use your VPN because then your internet is fully encrypted and safe especially if you use free Wi-Fi hotspots then it's much safer to use a VPN but I'm not sure if you want to your internet service provider and websites seeing so many things about you and storing the information for a long time good VPNs they don't don't they don't store any data about you there's an easy installation on all devices software and browsers you can and you can use several connections at the same time a little problem that occurs when using a VPN is that for example if you use a VPN to log in to another country and then try to access your Google account Google will send you a warning that an anonymous person try to access your Google account from Australia and then you just have to have in mind that well that's what you just did you completely encrypted your internet connection and entered the Internet in Australia and basically Google is just proving that

you're completely safe anonymous on the internet and then if you want to use Google then you just have to tell them yes that was me and verify that was you and then it shouldn't be a problem anymore what about free VPN of course well many people want free services on the internet but there's always a big problem because providing Internet connections in many countries with fast speeds and the best security possible simply costs money if you don't trust me just google it free VPNs dangerous here on CNET there is a nice article or on Newsweek there is a nice article about severe security risks basically free VPNs are usually slow spam you with a lot of ads and in many cases give hackers the opportunity to hack your device or they use your internet connection for other users and then if they those users to anything illegal on the Internet the police will contact you good VPNs have a lot of advantages they have super fast servers in many countries easy to use apps and plugins believe me I tested several VPN providers and the software is always the problem with expressvpn I never had an

issue though so that's why I'm using it as you could see they do not log any info about you or about your surfing they have high security encryption unlimited bandwidth premium websites work with it so maybe you heard that some VPNs don't work with Netflix anymore or other premium websites like Amazon Prime Sky TV and so on but good VPNs circumvent all those problems quite fast and usually it always works and if it doesn't work then just choose another server in the same country and usually that works too I hope now you can watch Australian TV overseas again if you enjoyed this video I would appreciate a thumbs up and have fun watching your Australian TV series from any country in the world

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Watch Australian TV Channels Outside Australia Overseas (2020)
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