ptv timetable
hello and welcome to the webinar working with the time table editor in P T V V zoom my name is Sebastian Zillman and I'm working for the V zoom product management team in PDU headquarter in Karlsruhe the time table editor provides several functionalities to create different views of your time table data views like this are essential to analyze the current state and such they are the base of to optimize your beauty supply during the next 30 minutes you will learn about the configuration and display options was in time table editor I'm about to use just PTV v zoom so you will be able to retrace this webinar on your own afterwards for creating and editing your time table data I would like to mention the webinar modeling beauty supply efficiently done by my colleague Johannes life and start on our website for you to download before I start here's some technical information about the webinar attendees are not able to use their microphone but you are free to post comments and![]() |
ptv timetable |
ptv timetable
questions we as a question we know my colleague Michelle Boone's room will answer your question during the webinar and after the webinar we will be available for some time to answer your question via the question window in addition I would like to mention that this webinar is recorded in a few days it will be uploaded to our website where you can access it let's go ahead and switch to PD V V zoom you see the network editor displaying the loaded version file you might know from our example there is beauty supply modeled in the network it can be depicted by the updated functionality of the root cause layer you can reach it by graphics edit graphic parameter root cause maybe you would like to look this up later within this webinar we will touch just the following three beauty lines the regional train line operating from the Central Station to another city a feeder bus line which feeds the regional train line and connects to willikers and an urban bus line operating in a loop course in the urban area first I would like to introduce the standard views of the timetable editors for this I pick the urban bus line doing by line opens the line dialog reduce it to active ones select the urban bus line and open post timetables both timetables the graphical and the Debra are open the time tableau a timetable editor displays in the upper section the vehicle journeys in the lower section you may find the correspondent vehicle journey tie items the display of the journeys is it technically is a turned list which all known lists functionalist analogies from we zoom therefore of course it's possible to add additional attributes I'm doing this by open the context menu clicking right on your mouse adding attribute selection here I've got all these attributes for vehicle journeys and I just pick duration and the duration is depicted in the tabular timetable the graphical timetable editor is a distance time diagram it is possible to switch the axes if this is more common display for you these settings you may find at user preferences GUI timetable and orientation of graphical timetable I switch this to the other view and so the axes are switched in the timetable editor like in the network editor it is possible to zoom and pan by using the mouse wheel turning the wheel forward will zooms in turning it backward zooms out pressing it it will pen the editor in addition to that it is possible to zoom every axis separately you can place your cursor at the distance axis and zoom in and the time axis remains constant you can do this also by the time axis for the stop axis additional options are provided at the toolbar to straighten out the stop events to see all given labels to shows the stop distance in proportion to the distance of the network data and of course to set the window to the given stop events in addition to that the its functionalities for all the time axis you find here the day ofoperation reaches from four to twenty eight o'clock an option to display the 24 hour view will norm this display to 24 hours which means that journeys operating after midnight will be cut ads right and will be continued at the left of the view you may see it here where this journey seems to end between two stops and this continuing in the morning of course the timetable editor is fully synchronized which means if you select this rear journeys here it is automatically selected in the tabular timetable in the network editor as well as in the list besides these technical features it is also possible to edit the overall view to fit special analysis therefore it helps to understand what defines the tabla and the graphical timetable view it's on one hand the selection of lines and so journeys and on the other hand the amount and sequence of stops the journeys are assigned to exactly this two features are reachable and editable by this window calls timetable lines which was introduced in June 14 if you don't find this window in your vision instance please go to view and make sure timetable lines is activated as an example for the configuration capabilities we will look at the selected line it is a loop course line which stop twice before r4 and after this marked stop you see a B and C and in the end C B and a
within these stops the bus operates in a loop from station C to station C this is also shown in the network editor a b c and then the loop back to C and C B a let us now define alternative view for this loop course which only shows each stop once and says clarify the loop course and the service of the bath journey for this we edit to stop sequence editing you can do by the timetable lines window and click on this button edit sequence of stop events a graphical editor is open this window displays the current order and occurrence of the stops the blue line depicts the current selected line routes and their assigned stops deleting one stop here will automatically delete it from the graphical and from the timetable editor maybe it's important to mention that no supply data is changed but only the view is customized can see this in the network editor sister B is still existing it is just not shown in the graphical and in the tabular time table back to the editing window of the stop sequence and for this I maybe just undo the last thing and start from from scratch so if stop occurs multiple times within this stop sequence it is depicted with multiple circles in the items view however if it has only been
assigned once it is possible to edit the stop sequence thus for the line route can be reassigned to other occurrences also stops by clicking on the grey dots of course this would be too costly if you do it for all line routes therefore the common use cases are covered by the entries in the context menu for example I just select the first three stops and select assign stop events and each line route are assigned to this marked stop event opening the graphical timetable you already find a view which is very close to our alternative view we won't like to achieve but there are also all so some unnecessary stops in it we can fix this by editing the stop see sequence editor and of course could single delete them or just open the context menu removed unassigned stop events and we are done to reset the stop sequence you can just recalculate it to get the classical view I've done this because I can show you that the view we generated we can access by just one link I just reopen the edit sequence window and press much multiple existing stop events and here you see this is what we would like to reach previously this now gives us or depicts better the root cause of the service the setting of the view so stop sequent and the line selection can be saved and reopen later as a layout so save layout s and I just pick loop to save it to show the scope of the configuration I would like to show you another example a transfer connection view transfer connection view would like to display and clarify the connection between the train and the bus line we would like to reduce the view to the transfer and to the final stops we would like to display the arrival and departure time for each line separately and we would like the destination and transfer stop off the bus is shown between the arrival and departure time of the train please note for that it is necessary to display the transfer stop multiple times two times for the train and two times for the bus in the end we will color code the line and highlight as the transfer stop so I just unselect this one so you will find here the appropriate track for the regional train line and the feeder bus line but this time I won't do the line selection myself but just select the initial stops of all of you so I switch to stops and select the transfer stop and see finals one final stop of bus and one final stop of the train when I open the context menu I've got the possibility to open both timetables I need to choose that each line should be selected which operates on at least two stops so you may find in the line selection that both the bus line and the train line is selected the stop sequence contains the final stop of the bus line final stop of the train line and the transfer stop we will switch to the tableau a timetable which contains these stops also and start editing the stop sequence first we would like to enter the second final destination of the Train therefore we click on this red cross which gives us all stations which will be served by the train so we picked the last one the Central Station and it is inserted into the stop sequence we assign the second line called a line route to this and we do the same for the bus so we enter here and select the final destination of the bus now we have to reorder the stop sequence for this we just select the final destination of the bus and place it somewhere here to surround the bus line route with the transfer stops of the train we have to insert the transfer stops twice again so we just enter here and click on the right mouse button and open the context menu to add a stop event in front of the selected stop now list opens which contains all stops in the network we are looking up our transfer stop by using the search functionalities and insert this transfer stop we do the same in the end so just add stop event in front of and pick say stop and now we have to assign the train route course to this arm stops we would like to see the arrival and departure time separately in the timetable editor and this can be done for the bus by just clicking on the context menu and display arrival time and departure for this exactly stop want and this is depicted as is this double line here we also want to see the arrival and departure time for the train separately and we want to see it here for the arrival time and here for the departure time for this we have to insert something we called a twin stop we have we need this because these stops are don't following each other so entering a twin stop you just press on the first occurrence and drag it to the last one and release it the same here press it drag it and release it by opening now the timetable editor you may find the view we would like to achieve the train arrives at 44 and leaves at 45 the buses in both directions arriving at 42 and departures two minutes after the departure of the train to amplify the context you can select graphic parameters which differentiates the lines and highlights the transfer stops for this I go to timetable tabular graphic parameters open graphic parameters and just select predefined graphic parameter now you can see the journey of the train in green and the bus in blue the transfer stop is highlighted I would like to mention that all the changes you've done here are also done for the graphical timetable if I reduce this a little you may find also something very interesting because you see here the line of the journey of the Train and of both buses and here you find this two minutes the buses arrives earlier and our departure later mentioning the graphics parameter I would like to give you a deeper insight into this for this I switch to the network editor and open a pre-selected graphic parameter some time it can be useful to see attributes of your infrastructure like sections where cars and trams shirt road space in your timetable as an example we coded the standard level of service condition to the network you see here section with medium and high risk of congestion in the network now we would like to show this along the timetable editor therefore I open the graphical timetable and just load the Safet layout from the urban bus line you remember this view which we have done before so for to depict the attributes I would like to choose a linear representation of the line routes so I just recalculate them and just fit it a little bit better in the window yeah and besides the layout also the graphic parameter of the timetable can be edited you already see the departure and arrival times at the journey items and the distance between the stops sequence sectors graphic parameters are edited here at the stop sequence section you may find the the attribute I was using for the distance parameter and at the background we now use classified to display and I've already chosen the attribute for the standard level of service which I was inserted before and it is color coded by a classified display now a calico that standard loss is displayed as a background of your timetable of course it is also possible to see the assigned demand in the timetable editor as long as you have to save the results also to the vehicle journeys for setting up the graphic parameters accordingly you have to look up in the graphic parameters just switch this out to the vehicle journeys I go to item labels oh sorry item bars switch on the label here and I've chosen this bar which includes the attribute of the volume and I've inserted a classification for the seating capacity and the total capacity of the vehicle so all items in green our journey items where all passengers find a seat yellow where some has no seat red where the vehicle Kaposi capacity might not be efficient of course it is also possible to generate more complex views like the amount of passengers boarding and alighting for this I predefined a graphic parameter so I open graphic parameter and here you find in blue the amount of passengers boarding in orange passengers alighting and in green passengers traveling screw next I want to show you exactly this information presented in the tableau a timetable for this I switch to the tableau a timetable and we add the information about the boarding passengers boarding and lighting so edit arrival attributes and just press select boarding and alighting the same for departure attributes or just boarding and alighting you know what I've done something wrong here boarding and alighting yeah that's right ah boring is missing here now look okay and and I have to readjust the column with you a little bit okay now you see if past reporting and lighting adds the vehicle items and I want now to color code this items by volume traveling through so I just select graphic parameters vehicle journey items active weaker journeys and I just here select the volume volume here it is and I want to really find this classification I just want to see three classes one for the seating capacity and one for the total capacity below the seating capacity everything should shown in green beyond the total capacity it should be shown in red and between this I want to see everything in kind of orange now it is color coded about the
volume and you see the passengers boarding and lighting in your timetable editor with this I'm coming to the end of the today's webinar let me summarize what we have seen already I show the basic structure of the timetable view and the handling we saw the manual editing of line selection and stop sequence to define a timetable view in the end we had a look at the attribute selection of so graphic parameters in order to extend our views for information to demand and infrastructure I hope you find something interesting and helpful for your projects within PDV Bisou before we close I would like to point you to the next webinar which you may find are interesting please look up on our website for the complete list and further information if you have any questions just enter them through the question window and stay tuned after the presentation stops Michael and I will try to answer them in the following thanks for your attention goodbye
ptv timetable au
mad naji